Once you notice that your windows are damaged or malfunctioning, the best thing to do is to replace them quickly. That is because leaving your damaged or worn-out windows too long without a replacement can lead to other unexpected issues in your home.
These issues can then lead to unplanned expenses that could have been simply averted if you had immediately talked to professionals like those found at Maverick Windows. Keep reading to learn more about what happens when you neglect replacing your worn-out or saved windows.
Your Home Will be Unsafe
With a cracked or malfunctioning window, you can be an easy prey to robbery attacks. If it is noticeable from the outside that your windows are not functioning well, robbers can find a way to break in. This makes your home unsafe and puts your family in danger. Replacing your window in due time will give you peace of mind and save you from all that.
Also, in cases of emergency, like during a fire outbreak, your window may be your closest point of escape. A malfunctioning window that cannot open or is damaged can cost you the life of a loved one at that time if you can't easily access it. In matters concerning your home, you rather be safe than sorry. That's why you shouldn't neglect to replace a bad window.
Your Home Will Experience Mold Buildup
Moisture can easily seep in through a broken or cracked window. This makes your home prone to moisture-related issues like rot in the case of a wooden window and in, the worst cases mold buildup. A rot on your window can lead to stains on your walls or damage to your flooring, and molds can be hazardous to your health.
Molds can be very dangerous and toxic and cause allergies or various irritations. Therefore, to avoid the potential threat that they can cause, you should replace your window immediately if there's a crack to prevent moisture from coming in.
Your Home Will Face Constant Damages from Severe Weather
Severe weather conditions like heavy rainfall, snow, or a storm will consistently affect your home if you have a damaged window. In cases of rainfall, water can leak into your home and damage your properties nearby. Storms and snows are also not excluded; they can cause a lot of issues that will require extra fixes, hence more expenses.
However, you can avoid all these weather-related issues if you pay attention to a damaged window.
The Value of Your Home will Decrease
If you plan to put your home out for sale, then it's essential to replace any malfunctioning or damaged windows. A bad window can affect the review of your house by potential buyers. They may either price the house extremely low or put out bad appraisals for others to see.
Brand-new windows are home investments and they increase the resale value of your home. Everybody likes a good-looking house with good-quality windows and would naturally want to buy and own it. As such, it will be a smart move to replace any damaged or malfunctioning windows before you put your home out there for sale.
You Will Spend More on Utilities
A damaged window can lead to the loss of over 35% of conditioned air. To avoid excess utility expenditure monthly, the wisest decision is to replace damaged windows. You can also replace your old windows with new and eco-friendly ones.
You Can Incur Medical and Legal Bills
Asides increase in utility bills, you also stand the chance to incur future medical expenses and legal bills if you neglect to replace your damaged windows. Firstly your health is at risk from mold buildup and injuries that damaged windows can cause.
Secondly, the health and safety of your guests could be at risk if a faulty window falls on any of them or if broken glasses from the window cause any injury to them. They can decide to sue you for negligence, and you'll have a lot of legal expenses to make. All of these issues could have been averted if only you had replaced the window in time.
Sometimes, the importance of windows can be underestimated because they are assumed to be the normal components of the home. However, they have greater relevance in our daily lives. As such, you shouldn't neglect a broken window but get it replaced immediately to have your home running properly and to keep you and those around you safe.